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Healing Chimes

Healing Chimes are amazing instruments to use at home!  They also make wonderful gifts.  Each of the brands of chimes we sell, Zaphir, Theta, and Koshi and now, Heola, have unique qualities and possibilities for use.  We also love to play and her our Sound Healing Chimes outdoors!  We have used clear natural oils like linseed, teak, and tung oils for our outdoor use of Theta Chimes over the years.  Our Theta Chimes have been treated with clear boiled linseed oil.  We have a matched pair hanging outside on our deck, outdoors. Healing Chimes may be used alone or combined with Musical Sound Instruments and our Voices.  There are four different Koshi Chimes, five Zaphir Chimes, six Theta Chimes, and eleven Heola Chimes.  Our new selection of Heola Chimes from France are all 432 Hz and they are incredible!  Find a chime from our selections that resonates with you.  

Make an appointment with Alice & Mel and try them out yourself! 


Check out some Healing Chime sounds below in the videos.  We are pleased to introduce the new Heola Chimes from France made of beech wood, the Heola Chimes are inspired by the planets, the solar system, and the Cosmos. They are all 432 Hz chimes.  Mel loves the Moon (Lunar) Heola Chime to add to his New Moon and Full Moon Sound Healing Activities.  Check out some of the Chime videos below and at!  Thanks Gongs Unlimited and Heola for introducing us to Heola Chimes!  If you're in the U.S.A. we'd highly recommend contacting Gongs Unlimited for Gongs and Healing Musical Instruments. 


Make an appointment with Alice & Mel  every Monday - Friday 11a.m. to 5 p.m. 


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